Monday, September 26, 2011

blog of the month.

Blog of the month
      Ok, guys and girls I am going to try something new, I will be every month posting about a blog of a brother or sister in the lord, I am doing this because I think that when we as bloggers blog about other blogs of are kind in good will of the ones doing it. It will bring more people to both blogs, and this in the end lord willing brings the word of truth and the gospel to more people.
      So the first one is from a bother by the name of Evan Wheeler, he blogs under Unleashing Truth.  There is a little about Evan.
                “From a child I've been brought up in church. I went to the altar at 12 years of age at our church Christmas play, professed faith and then lived a wicked, God hating life. Around 3 years ago God actually regenerated me and caused me to seek after Him. I was saved as an ignorant Arminian but after hearing about TULIP, searching everywhere in the Scriptures, I submitted to what the Bible teaches. Man is a wicked, repugnant sinner in the eyes of God and his only hope is for God to draw him and save him perfectly. This is the love of Christ, not that we loved Him or sought after Him but that we ran away from Him and He brought us to Him. My passion is teaching theology, apologetics and evangelism. I am hoping to eventually become a full time evangelist with the help of other brothers and sisters in Christ supporting my ministry. I am grasping for every opportunity to glorify God in my life through YouTube videos, blogs, open air preaching and evangelism. I pray that God will bless my ministry.”
                His blog, has post on many different things in the reformed camp sum, of the most read ones are, everything for a Purpose, The Politically Correct Gospel, The Confusion of Salvation: Free Will and Collateral Damage. He is a brother I have had the honor to talk with for hours on the study of theology, he and I have had some grate talks and also have been there to give the gospel to those who were in need. I first meet Evan on paltalk, were we both have done a lot of apologetic work, I am honored to know him and to be able to do this blog on him. He is a grate brother in the lord and I hope that all of you that read his blog get some good thing out of it, and hope that the lord will use not only my blog but his and many other brothers, for his glory and honor.

I would like to leave this with a line from the Westminster shorter catechism.
  WSC Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

Religious literacy Stephen Prothero

this is a review of a speech given by Stephen prothero 
The different knowledge in the areas of the country, on the religious texts of the world, at Boston University, many students could not name the first book of the Pentateuch and did not know the first book of the new testament, and that they could not name man of what the bible was talking about, like Adam and eve, and what happened in genesis 3 with the fall of man.  not only did he see this with the protestants but all so with the roman catholic ones as well with them not being able to name the 7 Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance or Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, Marriage.  The thing is that any catholic should be able to name them, and he also say that the Jewish students did not know that genesis was the start of the Torah. With this we see that one, the church is not doing their job, and two that the parents were not doing their job in teaching the word of God in the home.
            The numbers that he had found were very scary. in the fact in 1967, there was a study that was done, on if Americans knew the ten commandments, and it should that the answers were yes and no. and in different finds he found that many did not know that Christ was the one that gave the sermon on the mound, they had thought it was Billy graham, and many also thought that and Sodom and Gomorrah were a happily married. But in fact they were cities that were destroyed by God in genesis. He also found that many roman Catholics could not tell what the Eucharist was and if it was the real body and blood of Christ, or if it was the imaged of the body and blood of Christ. The thing that I found the sadist was that many Protestants could not name that Dr. Martin Luther was the one that on 31 October 1517, gave the church in Wittenberg, that he was the one that started the grate movement that was keep going by mean like John Calvin and many others.
            In the history part he talks about, how Americans forgot about Religion, not because of the two court cases in the sperm court. But in fact with the ones that were Religious. This he said was because, how we learned to read was from the bible, because we would read the bible and learn to read it with the bible, thus being the bible was the book used to teach people how to read. We see this because now we use many other books to teach this. In this he brings up the pertain movement, and how they were more focused on the head and the heart. But we then move on to a movement that was more about the felling of man and just the loving of God was more than enough and that we did not need to know what the bible teachers and this is because the one that lead this movement was a man by the name of Charles finny, and he was the one that said that it was all in the heart and that was because what he was teaching was that man was not sinful but they were perfect, we also see that with in the talks about the history of the land that we live we see that there was a big fight about slavery and in this they could go to the bible and point out what they said about in the bible, and we see that like, with the year of jubilee in the bible, we here did not have that, and the year of jubilee was that after seven years all the slaves were set free and also anyone who owed anyone money was forgiven of the money that was to be paid. So we see that with this we have something’s that we now cannot sit and talk about because, we don’t know the bible and what it says about many things.
With the end of the video, he gives his input on what we can do to fix this. and I would say that it is good, and he brings up a point that why should we know what the others teach in their books. Well the thing is there is a reason and I think that my idea of why is the same but also very different then his. He is saying that we should because then it would help us know what others thing and I would say this is true but also, we need to know what the other texts say, because we need to be able as Christians or anyone be able to defined what we hold to. Also that we need to know what it is that they do and what they teach, so that we can point out were they are wrong and also that the students can know what the fails are in the other places. But that might sound like it goes agents the courts but if we teach it as how he says we should then my second point will work out its self. So we have the fact being no matter what we as a whole do not know anything or nothing about what it is that the country was to be made on. From the bible we have what we got now. That we have only from about the second grate awaking; have gone away from the teaching of the world texts. That is because of the second grate awaking. 
            He brings up talking to others, about what we hold to and that is a good idea, but as he puts out they might not know that what they in fact talk about. He brings up Matthew, and genesis being a short cliff note read. But I would say that Matthew would not be a good one because it is from the synoptic, I would say that we would be better off reading all three synoptic gospels plus john. By this we can, get the whole work of the gospels.   

Synergism vs. monergism

Synergism vs. monergism
What is the difference in the two, what makes one more biblical than the other?  That is just some of the questions that could be ask when talking about these two doctrines, but I think that we have to look at what does one mean from someone,  we need to know what the bible is saying about, is man playing a role in his salvation at all? Or is it God alone with the grace that he gives us that brings us to salvation?  
The thing that I think I need to get out of the way and say is that no matter what you hold to if it be synergism or monergism, that does not change were you are in your walk, I would say that if you are truly saved and want to understand the truth of the bible you would find that monergism is the biblical teaching. These meanings that I would say that we need to holding to monergism if we want to be consistent  in are theology, we would need to hold to the bible and not go in to things that make us feel better or smarter than the other ones.  I would put unto you that felling’s will hurt your theology, and in fact make your theology man focused and not God focused.
So what is this synergism and what does it say or mean to ones theology , will synergism make my theology man focused, and will it in the end lead me to use my felling’s and not what the bible tells me?  Well I will answer that in this blog. So let’s get started on this part, what is synergism, “synergism
an ancient heretical doctrine, extant since the 3rd century, which holds that spiritual renewal is a cooperative endeavor between a person and the Holy Ghost. Cf. Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism. — synergist, n. — synergistic, adj. and
syn·er·gism  (snr-jzm)
1. Synergy.
2. Christianity The doctrine that individual salvation is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace.
[New Latin synergismus, from Greek sunergos, working together : sun-, syn- + ergon, work; see werg- in Indo-European roots.] [1]” so we see that we have to different views on what synergism in, so what one is the, well I would say both are right in part. But not in full to get the right view in full you need both of them. And that is because you need to know what it is to be a or know what pelagianism is . to know what it is go to my blog on this topic[2]. So we need both in full because of this, we need them both because, if man has this free will that knows good we must then say that man is not wicked above all, and that would then go in oppastion of “Jer 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” along with many other verse in the bible. With that we would then be in the heresy of pelagianism. So with synergism we see that we have to first go deny some of the word of God or we have to put in our own feelings in to what we want it or think it is saying and not going by what it says. Thus how would we use how we feel rather then what the bible says?  Well that is in fact very easy to do, and is something that many do and don’t know that they are doing it. When we start reading the bible and come to a verse and then before we know what its meaning is or anything like that we are, within are self, making it say what we want it to because we might not like what it has to say. Let’s look at one of the verse that many will do this with,  “2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” Now many will say look see it says that God does not want any to perish, and we will jump and say, see Christ died for all, and with this we now have a problem because there are other verse that would go and say that he did not. But I want, to show you the right view of this verse in the context of the book it is in.
“So we come to the one verse that I think the reformed theologians have been giving the right view on this verse for years and yet with no prevail they do not get it across to the other side thus being they are using bad hermeneutics. So, “2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” So what it is that we need to get from this verse, well it is some key words in this “toward you” I want to hone in on, but we need to first set the context before I can dig in to the the text of 2 peter 3:9, and thus we need to go to the  2 peter 1:1 to get the context of the book. “2Pe 1:1  Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:” so what is it that I want to look at in this verse? Well the context of this book is to who? The context is to the elect the church, and how so? Well we see him say this in the text “To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:” so if the context is to the ones that have obtained a faith of equal standing. But who is this equal standing to? Well it is the equal standing of righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ, so the letter is to the ones that have the same righteousness as Christ. Thus not able to be backed for the view that it is for all. And thus the verse 2 peter 3:9 will now be able to show you, it in the context it should be. So again I will repost the verse of 2 peter 3:9,
“2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” So we need to look at the part of the verse that we see are key , “but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” So we see that the lord is patient towards who? towards you, the church and that he is not wishing that any should perish, well any of who, well any of you the church, thus we have this in 2 peter 1:1. So we move on in this verse, so we come to “but that all should reach repentance” now we see that in this we have the word “all” and in the greek we know that is the word “pas” πᾶς,a  \{pas}2a) some of all types  so we in meaning 2a it saying that some of all types, and what is this meaning then for us in this verse? Well it is saying that not all but all in the way of some of all types as in, tride and tounge, and nation. Thus being a fact that not the whole world will have salvation, and thus being of the elect that he wishs that none should go to hell. With this we need to understand that all this is saying that the all is talking about many people not all as in the whole world. Let me ask you this, if you and your friend get a pizza and eat it then when talking to your other friends on the basketball court say that your one friend ate all the pizza, does that mean he ate all the pizza in the world? If you answer with a no then you cannot say that when we see all in the bible that it would mean all all the time. So with all this does this mean that at any part in time all means all at all in the bible? Well I would say yes all could mean all in some parts of the bible. I want to just give you another view in the scripture, were we see the word all but it does not mean all, “Luk 2:1  In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.” So with this did Caesar tax, the Yucatán peninsula, get this tax, or did china get this? Answer this and you will find the answer to the world all in the bible meaning all. So we move on to the book that comes last in the bible, and this being a book that in fact is one of the books that bring on the most, fights with in the Christian world, and thus being a book that is hard for many to talk about without a fight thus being the reason why this book is one that will be all ways having many people going to it  to back there end times view and there are many that come from just one book. But I want to use just two verse in this book that I will be using to prove the ending parts of this backing of this doctrine. The two are revelation 5:9; 22:17, the two will be used in this to help so that from the old to the end of the new God has sent to the world his son to save his sheep only. So lets start with something I think I should say with this book, I am not trying to show a view of end times in this part at all but only the view of the atonement being for the elect. So lets just jump right in, with the first verse.[3]” so with that in the context we see that in fact when are feelings are not in the way they , let the bible talk. But how do I say that this view is saying that man helps God? Well in this view they will say and hold that we now have to make the next move, like lets say, you are handed a piece of paper, and on it you see 3 lines with 3 box next to the lines, the first line has a check in the box on the line that has God next to it, and you get another paper that has the box check next to the line that say devil, so we have a tie for your soul, and you now have to help God in this whole thing because he needs you to choose to be with him or not, but in fact this view calls God weak and not able to save anyone. So in this view we have to give God and the cross the power to save anyone.  
So lets go on to the next part of this monergism, and the same things apply here what is it and does it lead us to a man focused theology?
“mon·er·gism   [mon-er-jiz-uhm]  Show IPA
noun Theology .
the doctrine that the Holy Ghost acts independently of the human will in the work of regeneration.[4]”  so with this view we have no way to stop any regeneration unlike in the other view, the sheets of paper, are not there because we do not need to give the cross any power what so ever. Because we have no chose in this view what so ever. We see this in “Joh 15:16  You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” The first part of this verse is the key in this because we see that Christ chose us not the other way around, also in romans we see
“Rom 9:11-15  though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad--in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls-- she was told, "The older will serve the younger." As it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."  So we see that before the twins were born he had already chosen one for one thing and anther for something different. Thus the twins had no chose in there salvation. So, I want to ask this in this view can one have his feelings about this get in the way? Well the answer is yes and no.  and here is how, we can let are feelings get in the way, but it is in a different way than the past view, and here is how, are feelings can get in the way in thus way, by us saying that anyone of the  view I gave above is not saved because they hold to it, we let are feelings get in the way in this because we are saying that there is no salvation without this view and I would say to someone with this idea in there head that they need, to think about it, because at one point in time they held to the same thing. On the other hand we don’t get let them get in the way because we let the word of God talk for its self. With that we have a very good understanding of what it is saying.
So with the views I have given you, it is now up to you to study out the view in what you hold to and see if it is true.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oneness Theology vs. Trinitarian Theology

Oneness Theology vs. Trinitarian Theology
What are the two, and what is the biblical one? Well I want to start out with the oneness view. And what it is teaching, and what they say is the truth, and then I want to go over the triune God.
            The oneness theology, is the teaching that Christ was not God and that he was not part of the God head. Oneness is also known as modalism. gives us this about the theology.
            “Modalism is probably the most common theological error concerning the nature of God.  It is a denial of the Trinity which states that God is a single person who, throughout biblical history, has revealed Himself in three modes, or forms.  Thus, God is a single person who first manifested himself in the mode of the Father in Old Testament times.  At the incarnation, the mode was the Son.  After Jesus' ascension, the mode is the Holy Spirit.  These modes are consecutive and never simultaneous.  In other words, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit never all exist at the same time, only one after another.  Modalism denies the distinctiveness of the three persons in the Trinity even though it retains the divinity of Christ.

Present day groups that hold to forms of this error are the United Pentecostal and United Apostolic Churches.  They deny the Trinity, teach that the name of God is Jesus, and require baptism for salvation.  These modalist churches often accuse Trinitarians of teaching three gods.  This is not what the Trinity is.  The correct teaching of the Trinity is one God in three eternal coexistent persons:  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
           So, what it is that we are talking about with Oneness Theology, I think Matt Slick has right. But, I would like to say that if we hold to Oneness Theology, we are no better than the Muslims by saying that Christ is not God. So what does this mean for someone that holds to trinity? Well it means that we that hold to the trinity are in line with the word of God. Well there then is something that needs to be answered and that is something hey say they have one for but it Is not in the end and that is, then how is Christ God? Well they would say that God can take on different forms at any time.  But we have problems with this, because we see that at times we have Christ saying things that are in the old, one of them is this,
            (Joh 8:58  Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.")
So with this we see that Christ is saying that he is God and that he is not apart from him at any part of time in the world. And this is coming out of  
            (Exo 3:14  God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'") so with this we see that, we have Christ being part of the Godhead talking in the bush, with  the father.
            I want to give you what theologian John Gill says from his commentaries on this verse. And it is thus.
            “Exo 3:14  And God said unto Moses, I am that I am,.... This signifies the real being of God, his self-existence, and that he is the Being of beings; as also it denotes his eternity and immutability, and his constancy and faithfulness in fulfilling his promises, for it includes all time, past, present, and to come; and the sense is, not only I am what I am at present, but I am what I have been, and I am what I shall be, and shall be what I am. The Platonists and Pythagoreans seem to have borrowed their το ον from hence, which expresses with them the eternal and invariable Being; and so the Septuagint version here is ο ων: it is said (z), that the temple of Minerva at Sais, a city of Egypt, had this inscription on it,"I am all that exists, is, and shall be.''And on the temple of Apollo at Delphos was written ει, the contraction of ειμι, "I am" (a). Our Lord seems to refer to this name, Joh_8:58, and indeed is the person that now appeared; and the words may be rendered, "I shall be what I shall be" (b) the incarnate God, God manifest in the flesh:

thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you; or as the Targum of Jonathan has it,"I am he that is, and that shall be.''This is the name Ehjeh, or Jehovah, Moses is empowered to make use of, and to declare, as the name of the Great God by whom he was sent; and which might serve both to encourage him, and strengthen the faith of the Israelites, that they should be delivered by him.

(z) Phutarch. de Iside & Osir. (a) Plato in Timaeo. (b) אהיה אשר אהיה "ero qui ero", Pagninus, Montanus, Fagius, Vatablus.” 
            So with Christ saying he is the I am, that is telling us that he was before all, we see this as well in john 1:1-3
            (Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.)
So in the beginning Christ was with God, and we go back genesis one we see that in genesis, 1:26 he says
“Gen 1:26  Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
We have the first view of the trinity in the scripture, and the use of the word us and our is showing us that we have more then one person in this making the world and thus when we go to john1:1-3, we know that the word was with God and the word was God, who was the word? Well it was Christ, we see that from genesis1:26 and also in the verse in exodus. So what is the trinity in full, well it is the Westminster shorter catechism, says this about it?
(wsc, Q.6 how many persons are there in the Godhead? A. there are three persons in the Godhead: the father, the son, and the holy gost (spirit[1]); and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory ), now the thing that many would try to say is that would mean that we have more than one God but in fact no, as the catechism says they are the same in substance.

I hope that this blog will help you know the difference in the two, and the one that heresy.

[1] I would prefer to have it say holy spirit  but I do not fell I should change the wording of the wsc just to not use the wording. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is pelagianism, is it a heresy, is it something we should hold to? And what does this view lead to? Is there anything in the bible to back this view?
                Well to start it is a view that is to go agents the view of total depravity (original sin), what is this view? Well the view in short says that all mankind fell with Adam, “1Co 15:22  For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.”  So, we see in1 Corinthians, that all died in Adam and so I have said that all does not men all all the time, but in fact here it does. So this brings sin to all that are born, and so with that bring the case then what is sin? Well I would point you to my post on sin
so then what is, the teaching of pelagianism then? Well
(Pelagianism is a theological theory named after Pelagius (AD 354 – AD 420/440), although he denied, at least at some point in his life, many of the doctrines associated with his name. It is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special Divine aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example" for his progeny, but his actions did not have the other consequences imputed to Original Sin. Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a good example" for the rest of humanity (thus counteracting Adam's bad example) as well as providing an atonement for our sins. In short, humanity has full control, and thus full responsibility, for obeying the Gospel in addition to full responsibility for every sin (the latter insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of Pelagianism). According to Pelagian doctrine, because humans are sinners by choice, they are therefore criminals who need the atonement of Jesus Christ. Sinners are not victims, they are criminals who need pardon.
The history of this teaching is as follows, Pelagius was opposed by Saint Augustine, one of the most influential early Church Fathers. When Pelagius taught that moral perfection was attainable in this life without the assistance of divine grace through human free will, Saint Augustine contradicted this by saying that perfection was impossible without grace because we are born sinners with a sinful heart and will. The Pelagians charged Augustine on the grounds that the doctrine of original sin amounted to Manichaeism: the Manichaeans taught that the flesh was in itself sinful (and they denied that Jesus came in the flesh) – and this charge would have carried added weight since contemporaries knew that Augustine himself had been a Manichaean layman before his conversion to Christianity. Augustine also taught that a person's salvation comes solely through an irresistible free gift, the efficacious grace of God, but that this was a gift that one had a free choice to accept or refuse.[1] Pelagianism was attacked in the Council of Diospolis[2] and condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage.[3] These condemnations were ratified at the Council of Ephesus in 431. The strict moral teachings of the Pelagians were influential in southern Italy and Sicily, where they were openly preached until the death of Julian of Eclanum in 455.[4] The man that was behind the teaching is this man Little or nothing is known about the life of Pelagius. Although he is frequently referred to as a British monk, it is by no means certain what his origins were. Augustine says that he lived in Rome "for a very long time" and referred to him as "Brito" to distinguish him from a different man called Pelagius of Tarentum. Bede refers to him as "Pelagius Bretto".[5] St. Jerome suggests he was of Scottish descent but in such terms as to leave it uncertain as to whether Pelagius was from Scotland or Ireland. He was certainly well known in the Roman province, both for the harsh asceticism of his public life, as well as the power and persuasiveness of his speech. Until his more radical ideas saw daylight, even such pillars of the Church as Augustine referred to him as “saintly.” Pelagius taught that the human will, as created with its abilities by God, was sufficient to live a sinless life, although he believed that God's grace assisted every good work. Pelagius did not believe that all humanity was guilty in Adam's sin, but said that Adam had condemned humankind through bad example, and that Christ’s good example offered humanity a path to salvation, through sacrifice and through instruction of the will. Jerome emerged as one of the chief critics of Pelagianism, because, according to him, sin was a part of human nature and we couldn't help but to sin.) <from wiki>   
What are his views well wiki gives us this for his views, Pelagius's views
In contrast, Pelagius taught:
Pelagius said, “Whenever I have to speak on the subject of moral instruction and conduct of a holy life, it is my practice first to demonstrate the power and quality of human nature and to show what it is capable of achieving, and then to go on to encourage the mind of my listener to consider the idea of different kinds of virtues, in case it may be of little or no profit to him to be summoned to pursue ends which he has perhaps assumed hitherto to be beyond his reach; for we can never end upon the path of virtue unless we have hope as our guide and compassion…any good of which human nature is capable has to be revealed, since what is shown to be practicable must be put into practice.”[16]
Pelagius said, "It was because God wished to bestow on the rational creature the gift of doing good of his own free will and the capacity to exercise free choice, by implanting in man the possibility of choosing either alternative...he could do either quite naturally and then bend his will in the other direction too. He could not claim to possess the good of his own volition, unless he was the kind of creature that could also have possessed evil. Our most excellent creator wished us to be able to do either but actually to do only one, that is, good, which he also commanded, giving us the capacity to do evil only so that we might do His will by exercising our own. That being so, this very capacity to do evil is also good - good, I say, because it makes the good part better by making it voluntary and independent, not bound by necessity but free to decide for itself."[17]
Pelagius said, "Those who are unwilling to correct their own way of life appear to want to correct nature itself instead."[18]
Pelagius said, "And lest, on the other hand, it should be thought to be nature's fault that some have been unrighteous, I shall use the evidence of the scripture, which everywhere lay upon sinners the heavy weight of the charge of having used their own will and do not excuse them for having acted only under constraint of nature."[19]
Pelagius said, "Yet we do not defend the good of nature to such an extent that we claim that it cannot do evil, since we undoubtedly declare also that it is capable of good and evil; we merely try to protect it from an unjust charge, so that we may not seem to be forced to do evil through a fault of our nature, when, in fact, we do neither good nor evil without the exercise of our will and always have the freedom to do one of the two, being always able to do either."[19]
Pelagius said, "Nothing impossible has been commanded by the God of justice and majesty...Why do we indulge in pointless evasions, advancing the frailty of our own nature as an objection to the one who commands us? No one knows better the true measure of our strength than he who has given it to us nor does anyone understand better how much we are able to do than he who has given us this very capacity of ours to be able; nor has he who is just wished to command anything impossible or he who is good intended to condemn a man for doing what he could not avoid doing."[20]
Pelagius said, "Grace indeed freely discharges sins, but with the consent and choice of the believer."[21]
Pelagius said, "Obedience results from a decision of the mind, not the substance of the body."[22]
An unknown Pelagian, "Is it possible then for a man not to sin? Such a claim is indeed a hard one and a bitter pill for sinners to swallow; it pains the ears of all who desire to live unrighteous. Who will find it easy now to fulfil the demands of righteousness, when there are some who find it hard even to listen to them?"[23]
An unknown Pelagian, "When will a man guilty of any crime or sin accept with a tranquil mind that his wickedness is a product of his own will, not of necessity, and allow what he now strives to attribute to nature to be ascribed to his own free choice? It affords endless comfort to transgressors of the divine law if they are able to believe that their failure to do something is due to inability rather than disinclination, since they understand from their natural wisdom that no one can be judged for failing to do the impossible and that what is justifiable on grounds of impossibility is either a small sin or none at all."[24]
An unknown Pelagian, "Under the plea that it is impossible not to sin, they are given a false sense of security in sinning...Anyone who hears that it is not possible for him to be without sin will not even try to be what he judges to be impossible, and the man who does not try to be without sin must perforce sin all the time, and all the more boldly because he enjoys the false security of believing that it is impossible for him not to sin...But if he were to hear that he is able not to sin, then he would have exerted himself to fulfil what he now knows to be possible when he is striving to fulfil it, to achieve his purpose for the most part, even if not entirely."[25]
An unknown Pelagian, "Consider first whether that which is such that a man cannot be without it ought to be described as sin at all; for everything which cannot be avoided is now put down to nature but it is impious to say that sin is inherent in nature, because in this way the author of nature is being judged at fault… how can it be proper to call sin by that name if, like other natural things, it cannot be avoided, since all sin is to be attributed to the free choice of the will, not to the defects of nature?"[ 
The most known plagain we have now is a man by the name of Jessie Morrell. He is a plagin that is trying to not only say that the bible truth of Calvinism is false but that anyone that is holding to the doctrine of total depravity is a heretic and thus they are not saved. This comes in to problems with the bible and what it teaches, so we know that the bible teaches that we are all sinners and that no one is without sin but Christ himself and that is because he is God.  We see in the word that we are with sin.
“1Jn 1:7-9  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (Bold and italicized added) we see that in the parts that are highlighted that if we say we have no sin the we are ling to ourselves. So we need to look at what this heresy tells us and what the bible does. I want to in a way talk about one of the biggest  heretics in this heresy in the states and that was Charles finny. But I think that word would do any good so I will give a link to a YouTube video about him.  
I want to say that we all have sin and that we all sin. The reason that we don’t at times is because we have grace that keeps us from this.  
May the lord bless this to you and also help you get a better understanding of his word.
Soli Deo Gloria