this is video 002 flam, now in the video, he talks about three words for love in the, Hebrew
1. Hebrew word ahab
2. Hebrew word hesed
3. Hebrew word raham. now this is what rob says they mean,
ahab=friend, hesed= mind and heart beats towards you lover and also love of the will. raham= to root found o. but this is what they mean in the true root of the words, Hebrew words
1. Hebrew word ahab - spontaneous, impulsive love (250 times in OT)
2. Hebrew word hesed - deliberate choice of affection and kindness
3. Hebrew word raham - to have compassion, brotherly love
so what we see here is that rob miss the point from just the root words of his very own video. and he not only does not know them in the root of the word. and the one thing he should have done is to, give us verses he says many times in the video, song of songs says this, or the woman in song of songs says this, but yet he does not give us a point of refines to go. why is this so impotent to us to know were to go in the bible, to find things men and "woman" who say they are a pastor, say are there, well this is why we must be able to tell if what is coming for the pastor is from the word or the word of a man. if i give you a verse to go to, when talking about a doctrine, like for example, lets say i want to talk about limited atonement with you, and i give you a blog on it that takes you 10 mins to read it, but know verses to back what i say, who is it that you know i am not just saying that the bible says it, to make it seem like i know the bible? you don't, i could be a no buddy who is a lost person just talking from my behind, ( not saying that rob is doing this at all this is all just a example) how is it then that i can, say i know the word when i lack the scripture to back what i say i hold to be the word of God, now if i do a blog on the atonement and i give you verses like john 15:16, Isaiah 53:3-9 and so on, i will now have to be answering to God and his sheep for the words i have put as his own, and if i am wrong i now have others to show me were i am not in line with the word of God. so we see why rob, not give us any verses for his clams in the video, is going to hurt many, and have lead many down a road that, is with out a sound, teaching of the word of God
may God bless this blog post.
soli deo gloria
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