Eze 33:11 (We put are focused on verse 33:11 “Eze 33:11 Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?” (Eze 33:11) now this verse has a lot in it, let’s start by finding out with scripture who is the house of Israel, is the house a place on the earth or is it the people that make up the house? We need to look at the covenant that God made with the people of Israel, but wait there are a lot of them, so we need to go to the first one that was made with Adam.
What is a covenant? What does the word mean, why did God make them? How do we know that it is that God is saying about the covenant, and the meaning behind the covenant? A covenant is a deal or promise made by God for the elect of God. the word covenant comes from the root word is _berith_is always thus translated._Berith_ is derived from a root which means "to cut," and hence a covenant is a "cutting," with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two parts, and the contracting parties passing between them, in making a covenant. Now what is it that is being said in this, are all the covenants made with the people of God, are getting “Cut into two parts” but it is just this, a covenant made by God, for his elect, is just that a cut from the non-elect, we see this all over were God says I will do this for you and the others will not get it. So we see many convents that God has made, in the scripture, we have one as early as Adam, and as late as with the cross, but I want to go to the very first covalent made by God, and this is the one with none other than Adam, but many are asking where did God make a covalent with Adam, is there one he made with Adam?
Well yes there is and I will bring you to the expect place in where it is made I will show you the covalent and what happened when Adam broke this covalent made by God to him and eve, but first we must know that the covenant that was made was not one that is like the rest, this covenant is one that is very impotent for us to understand, and that is because if we don’t get this one, then it will head hard to get all the other ones that are to come, in the Scripture. So where does the covenant with Adam start? Well in genesis 3 we see the covenant, and it starts with this. “Now the serpent was craftier than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. Genesis 3:1-3 ESV” do what do we see here, we see that the serpent (nechushtan (נחש )), is the one that is the craftyest of all the beast of the field. But what does this have to do with the covenant made well a lot, what is the nechushtan (נחש ), what does it have to do with Adam? What is the whole point of God using this very beast to make his covenant with Adam and to use it for the fall man, yes I did say God used a nechushtan (נחש ) to make man fall, God has man fall for a reason. But that is a different topic, so the nechushtan (נחש )what is it that makes it the perfect thing for God to use to make man fall? Well, what is it that we know about the nechushtan (נחש ) already, we know that it is a lying, cheating, and very deceitful above all things. Now the nechushtan (נחש ) sound like what man is after the fall, I will show what I mean later on, but the nechushtan (נחש ), is as I have said it lies and we see that it tries to miss lead others in to its ways, we see the snake do this with eve, in “genesis 3:4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.” so the snake told eve, you will not surely die, so what does this mean, well to get this me must get the very thing it is talking about, the covenant made by God, so what was it that God made with hem, well he told them they could eat of any fruit they wanted but of one tree that was in the mist of the garden, and if they did they shall die, what is it God meant by die? Did he mean die as in like we know it they are no longer alive in the flesh, or as a death that we don’t understand until we go to the word of God itself. It is just that a death that is not of the flesh but of the spirit of God, so Adam and eve were the only ones that had this right standing with God from the start until them came to the death of sin they had made known to all man after the nechushtan (נחש ) had temped eve in to eating of the fruit, but a lot of things have to be done with this to see that we are not at a right standing with God, I do not mean we have to twist the word of God to see this in fact I am saying we must not do that, the death that we see here is one that must be overcome by God himself to make man at the right standing with him that he had when he was in the garden, this is pointing us to Christ, the fact that man has come open a death of the spirit, and this kind of death that was on man after the fall, came from the help of a helper that God has made for Adam and it was the one and only nechushtan (נחש ).
So this death after the brake of the covenant with God has made all man that comes after Adam a sinner, not one of holy and righteous works. So what is it that Adam had did exactly to make this all like what we see as sin, well God gave his first law to man in the garden, and it is just this one law for man all they had to do was follow one law just one, “genesis 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. ESV " so the one law was just this that man shall not eat of the fruit, this one law was not able to be kept just one law Adam had to follow that is it one. And he could not keep so he fell in to sin and not only him but Adam took all mankind with him, so the braking of the covenant, is that something that we need to know, yes it is something that in fact will drive are life with God, the fall is a doctrine that you have one or two things you can hold with it, one is a view of heresy, and that view is just this, that man is born perfect without any sin that there is a time in their life that when they know right from wrong and that is known as the age of accountability, and in this we have to look at it and say well, the bible says we are sinners from birth. So that the view that is held by the groups that say there is no “original sin” they are all heretics and are lost. The view that I hold to and every Christian holds to is one of man’s totally depraved state of mind, heart, and spirit and they can do nothing good outside of Christ. Now the state of man that is after the fall is this of a man that is totally and utterly depraved. As seen in the scriptures, so we know the covenant God mad was one law that Adam shall not eat of the fruit, and somewhat of what happened of the braking but I want to go in deep in what the braking of the covenant. did to man, and I want to do this because I will then come back and show that the law that was made that one law could not have been kept, based on what happened In the fall of man, and by doing this I will be able to show that the covenant was planned by God in order to be able to send his son. So what happened after the fall is just this state of man of sin and depraved spirit.
So what is this giving and braking of the covenant, well it is very basic, God told Adam that he shall not eat of the fruit that is in the middle of the garden, and if he did he would be vanished from the garden, and this state of perticon in a way is turned in to a state of sin, so with the state of man now not one that is right with God what is it that needs to be done for the ones that have been picked by God to be saved? Well that goes to other covenants that were given to the Jews, at that time. So let’s go to the ark, and what the ark means for us and for the, house of Israel, “Gen 7:5-7 And Noah did all that the LORD had commanded him. Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth. And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood.” (ESV). So what is it that we see in the 3 verses well what the covenant with Noah is? It is just this, I will save you and your family with the water. But this water killed the rest of the world, and it not only killed the people on the earth but the birds and cats and dogs that were there on the earth. So not only is this showing that God election of man, and that it is not of what Noah, did to get this saving water from the wrath of God on the world that has fallen, so with God not saving all the world by the water as he did with Noah, he is showing that there is a line or genealogy that we is going to use to bring about the line of men that his son will come from, the line that will be of David, “Isa 7:13-14 And he said, "Hear then, O house of David! Is it too little for you to weary men, that you weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (esv) so we see in the book of Isaiah , that the son of man that will come to bring the sheep rest in the world and salvation of a tree, is of the line of David, and this line goes back to the line that came out of the flood of the world by the water the line and seed of Noah. So the house of Israel is one that we need to go to one covenant that is not able to be keep to the perfect way it was given to us, and that is the law of God that is given to us in the old testament, now we can’t and don’t have the time to go over the law as a whole, the law as a full looking at it is over 600 laws of God that were given to the Jews to keep. But I want to just look at ten of them 600 plus laws that God gave us. So it is the ten that, was given in the exile of the Jews. The ten given to mosses on mount sina, the ten comments, so how is a law? Well he gives us the law of life, this is the law, and so I will ask you, some questions, have you ever lied? If yes then that makes you what? A liar! Now have you ever stolen something? No I have not, well you just told me you have lied. So I ask you again have you ever stolen it does not matter how big or small it is, have you stolen? Yes. So what does that make you? A heath. Ok so have you ever used Gods name in vain as a swear word? Yes. Ok so what does that make you? A blasphemer. So if God you went before a judge with all this evidence against you when what would your verdict be? Guilty or inanest? A judge that is a good and rightness judge, would find you guilty. So if God is a right guess one, then he would have to find you guilty of your sin, and send you to hell the punishment for the sins of all. But now how are we saved? Well will be talked about in later verses. So then whom is this house, well it is the ones that will be saved! So how does this all tie in to the, atonement? Well there is a lot that has to be backed with the bible before the atonement can even be backed by any works of man or God. So the house of Israel is the people of the cross! But how do we know we can’t keep the law just by saying we can does not cut it what does the bible, say about keeping it, well in the book of psalms, “Psa 78:10 They did not keep God's covenant, but refused to walk according to his law.” and also in the book of Amos, “Amo 2:4 Thus says the LORD: "For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they have rejected the law of the LORD, and have not kept his statutes, but their lies have led them astray, those after which their fathers walked.” (ESV).)
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